How did your group work together? (Did you cooperate, share the work, stay on task, persist when things got hard? Were you open-minded to each others’ ideas? How did you show empathy?)
We showed empathy by helping other groups and helping each other when we got stuck.
We tried all of eachother’s ideas, but not all of them worked.
When things got hard, we tried and tried again until it finally worked out.
We only went off task on 2 days, and in the end we started being sensible.
What were you pleased about in following the Te Ara Tika pathway to learn about first aid? (Think about each of the steps - what steps did you do well or made progress with?)
I was proud that none of my questions were step 1 (a comment or irrelevant question)or step 2 (a question that has no keywords/phrases.)
What skills in the Te Ara Tika pathway do you think you need to improve on and why?
We need to work on finding answers to our questions quicker.
Now think about your google site. What are you really pleased about or had success with?
We are pleased about the C.P.R page, because we put in all of the types/versions of C.P.R. (Baby, Child, and Adult C.P.R)
What do you think needs to be improved on your google site?
We didn’t make the home page informative enough for anyone to understand what is going to happen in our google site without going onto another page.
Do you think your first aid google site does a good job of “effectively communicating” first aid skills? Why or why not? (Would you be happy with people using it to “Save a Mate”?
Yes because it tells you how to perform all of the types of C.P.R properly, and how to tell if someone has anaphylaxis and how to treat anaphylaxis.
What is one thing (skills, learning attitude) that each of you needs to improve on in our next W.I.T.? (Record each of your names with the thing to be improved)
I need to stop laughing and messing up in videos, and i need to talk louder in videos.(Ari)
I need to answer my questions faster, and to stop saying random stuff. (Kyle)